“Development and Preclinical Validation of biofunctionalized Nanoparticles for targeted delivery of anti-thrombotic and antioxidant factors to treat Atherosclerosis”
Cardiovascular diseases continue to remain our greatest health problem in the western world killing 18 million people each year. the eruption of a “vulnerable atherosclerotic plaque” characterized by high inflammation and increased oxidative stress causes 75% of all heart attacks, especially among young people, which poses as a modern medical challenge, the early detection of these plaques and their effective treatment. NANOATHERO project, characterized by an interdisciplinarity, aims to the exploitation of Nanotechnology tools in order to overcome the limitation of existing cardiovascular approaches. “Smart” biodegradable nanoparticles (BNPs) for site-specific treatment of unstable plaques will introduce a unique approach towards the treatment of atherosclerosis, while the successful encapsulation of anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant drugs and anti-thrombotic agents into the nanoparticles’ core will enduce their active performance composing novel targeted drug delivery nanosystems. Innovative anti-thrombotic agents will be synthesized with Protein Engineering, for the treatment of atherothrombosis. Through the appropriate bio-functionalisation, these biodegradable and biocompatible nanoparticles can target inflammatory areas of the arterial wall, that overexpress in patients with cardiovascular disease. After thorough toxicology analysis, preclinical validation in in-vitro atherosclerotic models and animal studies, the clinical application of these nanoproducts will be tested. In addition, innovative vascular and in vitro atherosclerotic models for BNPs permeability/transport experiments, will be developed to reduce the necessity of extensive animal testing. Among others, the optimal drug delivery nanosystem, will be chosen for animal testing of a small group of animals, to study their safety and the quality of their therapeutic effect on atherosclerotic vulnerable plaque’s areas. The final product will be an advanced and innovative nanostructured drug delivery system that obtains a perfectly premise of nanocarriers for clinical studies.
The role of BL NanoBiomed:
Development Drug Delivery Nanosystems for targeted treatment and their preclinical test in vivo.