Nanofuture Event – Greece at the Forefront of Nanotechnology in Energy, Beauty, and Health.
At the groundbreaking Nanofuture Event, held at the Crowne Plaza from November 4-6, 2024, Greece showcased its leadership in nanotechnology with applications spanning green energy, beauty, and health. As part of the Nanotech Hub, a pioneering ecosystem for nanotechnology research and applications in Thessaloniki, BL Nanobiomed took center stage with its transformative health innovation: the BL NANODIAGNOSETM.
BL Nanobiomed presented the BL NANODIAGNOSETM, a revolutionary portable biosensor that enables immediate detection of myocardial infarction at home in under 2 minutes, using just a single drop of blood – no doctor required. This cutting-edge product is currently undergoing clinical trials and is set to be available to the public soon. With BL NANODIAGNOSETM, BL Nanobiomed is setting a new standard in early diagnosis, offering a life-saving solution that makes heart attack detection fast, efficient, and accessible.
The event also featured the innovative NANOTOUCHE® cosmetics line, introduced by Dr. Varvara Karagkiozaki, CEO of VK NANO, which included high-value skincare products using advanced nanotechnology. These products have been proven to increase skin firmness, reduce wrinkles, and provide a more youthful appearance.
In addition to healthcare innovations, the event showcased advances in sustainable energy, including OET – Energy Technologies’ organic photovoltaics, offering energy autonomy for buildings and agricultural applications.
The event concluded with a fashion show by renowned designer Vassilios Kostetsos, whose garments integrated with organic electronics highlighted the fusion of technology and high fashion.